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Martina Quinzo

Teachers thrash students at Gumley House

On Friday the 25th of March, under the warm and bright sun that had been a frequent visitor that week, eager secondary students lined up to deposit money for charity in a bucket. What for, you may ask? The students were congregating by the Gumley netball courts to watch the annual sixth form versus teachers charity netball match. Many of the younger students had never seen this event, with the pandemic halting such gatherings, but for the older students who remembered the fun that this day brought it was a day that couldn’t come soon enough.

While the teacher team and student team warmed up, a buzz emitting from the excited chatter of the lower school students could be felt in the air of anticipation. Up until and including the last time this event was held before the pandemic, the teachers had always emerged triumphant. As was surely the case in previous years, the sixth form team were determined to stop the teachers’ winning streak.

However, team spirit soon took a hit when the first quarter of the match ended 7-0 to the teachers. Dispirited but not hopeless, the sixth form team took to the court again, where the second quarter went much better than the first. Despite all their efforts and support, the final result of the intense match was 11-5, with the teachers taking the win yet again. Even though the teachers were victorious, the event was nonetheless enjoyable for those watching. "It was a fierce competition and I really enjoyed being a spectator," commented a year 12 student who watched the match, Losigga Rajahvisvalingham. "Even though we lost, I am very proud of each and every player for persevering until the end."

Whether the students or teachers win, the money raised by the event and accompanying tuck shop will all go to a good cause regardless, so the match is lost by the sixth formers in good spirit.

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