As A-Level exams edge closer, Year 13’s across the country are preparing for study leave. Therefore, they also are nearer to hanging up their prior responsibilities and passing these over to the next cohort. The Weald School has done just that this week, with its Prefect team.
Prior to half term Year 12 students were encouraged to self-nominate themselves for the role of Prefect. The deadline for submissions was 9am on Wednesday 9 February.
Students had to outline three out of the eight Prefect teams they wished to be on through writing short statements on their aims for the teams. Sports, Communications, Environment and Equality & Diversity were amongst others to choose from.
Then on Thursday the 10 February a Google Form was sent around the school and students and staff voted for their pick of the candidates. This form closed on the following day at 1:30pm, however hopeful students had to wait until this recent Monday to discover if they had been successful.
Over 30 students applied and 25 were chosen. For some of these Prefects they will be entering into another round of applications as they opt to go for further leadership roles. Out of the 25 Prefects, 4 will go onto become Lead Prefects and 2 will become Head Prefects.
On Tuesday the new Prefects were sent another google form to yet again self-nominate to place themselves in the running for Lead Prefect. This form closed on Thursday 23 February at 5pm.
As part of the Lead Prefect application students were asked to include an election statement, their strengths and how they intend to achieve their goals if elected. They then had to deliver a campaign speech to their peers in an assembly on Wednesday March if they progressed to the next stage of the process.
There will then subsequently be another staff and student vote as well as interviews with the Senior Leadership Team and the previous Year 13 Prefects.
Recently elected Prefect Isabella Moreton, spoke about how she felt about her recent enrolment as a Prefect. She said: “I am excited that I’ve obtained a position that can affect and change the environment around me.”
She also said that she was seriously considering applying to becoming a Lead Prefect and added: “I think it’ll be an amazing opportunity in a position of leadership’.