Neena Muzawazi is a female footballer who plays for Welling United Football Club; which is based on Park View Road, Welling, DA16 1SY.
For the topic of football and sport in general, I have asked Neena some questions about her football club and her passion for the chosen sport she plays. Neena plays in the “Junior Premier League.” She trains 2 times a week and plays in matches on Saturdays during the weekends. In her league, Neena plays against Bromley Football Club, Millwall Lioness and XI Academy. When asking Neena about her outlook on a sport like football and how it helps her mentally, she said “Football is like a second home for me" suggesting how football can be a comfort to many young teens having exam stress and other issues, such as bullying in and out of school. Neena said she feels refreshed after training or playing a game and football offers her space to clear her head after a long day at school. Neena only plays for girl's football teams, but she was asked to play for the boy's B team in Farringtons School for her year. When asking Neena if she thinks football is a better sport in school or out of school she said “Football is good for both because they have different areas of skill.” Neena started playing football with the boys in year 1 and progressed as she grew older. Neena Muzawazi plays ‘Right back’ and she aspires to become a professional footballer and pursue a career in the sport. When finally asking Neena why she chose to play football and what her thoughts are about football in general, she said “Football to me is the best sport in the world. It’s well known everywhere in the world and everyone talks about it and so I enjoy playing.” Playing sports and being in a sports team can offer a space for young school children like teenagers to clear their heads from exam stress and a chance to be with friends while also succeeding in their personal fitness and wellbeing.