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Tree falls and rips telephone wires!

Nishi Amin

Two weeks ago, starting on Monday, February 14, 2022, Storm Eunice was raging! Heavy winds and rains terrorised the country, throwing people around, causing several power outages, and tearing down a number of trees. At around 11 o’clock in the morning, one tree, in particular, took everyone by surprise on Friday, February 18; it had managed to rip out the telephone and broadband wires of 5 houses on an inner road in Morden.

It started with a loud bang- no one knew what was going on, so when a few residents decided to take a look outside they saw that a large tree on the street corner had snapped and fallen down. What made it worse is that there was a wooden utility pole right next to it, so one of the branches got caught on the wires and tore them off the houses on the other side of the road.

This immediately caused a huge inconvenience since the tree had fallen onto the road, and though it was not completely blocking the route, it was very difficult for large vehicles such as buses and trucks to pass by; in fact, there was already a bus waiting to get through moments after the tree collapsed! “I didn’t notice anything had happened until I stepped outside and saw the tree down,” said Shanon Foster, a local who was standing outside in the brutal wind with a few others at the time. “At first, me and Richard (Shanon’s husband) just wanted to make sure that everyone was okay,” she said, “and then figure out how to get it all cleaned up.” The couple’s priority was to make sure no one was harmed, and to clear up the road so the bus and the cars lined up behind it could go about their day. Richard even went back out on the next day to try to clear up the road a bit, making it easier and safer for people to pass by! Luckily no one was harmed by the event, though it’s still nice to see people being concerned for one another, especially during the violent storm that caused so much damage nationwide.

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