In June this year, over 30 companies begin a 6-month trial of a shortened working week. This follows the success of a similar trial in Iceland. The Iceland trial, which took place in 2015, meant that 25,000 Icelanders who worked an eight hour day (e.g. 9 to 5) had a 20% cut to their hours, now working a 35 or 36 hour week, with no pay reduction. The trial showed that well-being, health, and productivity improved for all workers involved. UK companies, including Advice Direct Scotland, Atom Bank, Canon, The Circle, 3D Issue, Venture Stream and YWCA, have signed up for the scheme.
If the scheme goes well, it is likely that other companies will join the scheme. However, as of yet, there has been no mention of whether this will affect schools. Over 15% of GCSE students were recorded to be ‘highly test anxious', and a staggering 81% of school leaders worry more about pupils’ mental health during assessment periods than they used to. So, if the adult members of society are to experience a shorter working week, why not everyone? A year 10 student, Erin Keable, said: “Although I will most likely be working on the extra day anyway, I would be willing to have four-day working week. Getting work done in one day would make me more productive on the days that I didn’t have off, and it would make me feel more relaxed on the day that I would have off. I’m sure this would have some mental health benefits.” This suggests that many would be supportive of a 4 day working week, even if it means longer working hours, as it may bring many mental health benefits to students.
The scheme is an exciting new opportunity that could be a permanent change to the scape of the working world. Its success in the UK cannot yet be evaluated, but I am sure that it would be appreciated by both workers and possibly students also.