Tiffin School raised £3600 pounds for KCIL! But first of all, what is KCIL and what do they stand for? KCIL is the Kingston Centre for Independent Living and their aim is to help society meet the needs of and empower disabled people, beginning in Kingston but hopefully well beyond this borough as well.
Their vision is for disabled people to have more control over their own lives, have their voices heard, have improved mental and physical health and have more accessible choices in society.
Tiffin School’s Charity Committee (a committee within the School Council which is responsible for all charity supporting events) decided to support KCIL through a MUFTI day on the 29 November 2022.
Pasindu Weerasinghe, the chair of the committee explained: “What really stood out to the committee and I initially, was that KCIL was a local charity in Kingston, and after further investigation of what it represents and aimed to do, we felt it would be a great charity to be supporting. Core aspects of the charity such as equality and inclusion are valued at our school and for that reason I felt it would be a great choice.”
Support was raised for this phenomenal cause through, of course the MUFTI day, as well as posters placed around the school and a presentation delivered to all students. These were used to educate everyone in the school about the charity.
“To maximise the donations, last year, the charities committee implemented online payments for the charity donations rather than bringing in money. This meant parents could donate more than the usual 2 pounds students are asked to bring in. We saw that this led to an immense increase in donations and therefore have carried it on this year, to make donating easier and more efficient,” Weerasinghe described.
Thanks to the Charity Committee working diligently behind the scenes, Tiffin School was able to achieve this outstanding accomplishment which will greatly benefit KCIL and bring them closer to implementing their vision into our society.