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Clara Bardwell

Community fridge for all

The Englefield Green Village Centre Community Fridge opens its doors twice a week, to reduce waste and provide free food for the local community. This fridge is open and available to everyone in the community to access free, fresh food that would have otherwise gone to waste. The community fridge not only provides homecooked meals, fruit and vegetables, bread and more, but also baby and sanitary products helping to strengthen community bonds and provide vital products to the most vulnerable members of the community.

This amazing initiative was initially set up in the first lockdown (February 2021) as a part of the local neighbourhood response to evident lack of fresh food available for residents. It is now located at their site on Victoria Street, being one of the 100 new community fridges opened over the next year, which are expected to save around 6.8 million meals per year, which would be otherwise going to waste!

The fridge operates through a wonderful team of volunteers and generous donations from local businesses and supermarkets. These incredible volunteers give up their time collecting surplus food from local shops, preparing meals, prompting the initiative locally and distributing food to vulnerable or house-bound residents. It is supported by the Runnymede Mayor and the environmental charity Hubbub, in partnership with Co-op fast-track to provide fresh food for everyone in need, ranging from students to pensioners and even families. This wonderful community-led initiative is the first ever community fridge in Englefield Green, set up by Alison Watts (the Manager of the Village Centre) and Huda Tarhuni (the Project Manager of the Village Centre Community Fridge & Kitchen) who state, “everyone is welcome,” and whilst they aim to provide for those “most in need” they do not have a clear target audience; being extremely open and accepting of everyone!

Huda explains that they advertise mostly through social media such as Facebook and Instagram, local groups, and word of mouth. More recently, however, they have announced to have “created flyers for Runnymede foodbank to distribute at their various locations.” Although this phenomenal community fridge has only recently opened, this inspirational group of volunteers have acknowledged the clear success of this initiative and are now helping other local councils and charities start their own community fridges. Huda Tarhuni quotes “as our project is growing and becoming more established, we are looking to expand and provide to other sheltered housing residents in our area.” In addition, not only can homemade meals be taken from visiting the community fridge itself, but for those who are unable to make the journey to the Centre- such as those with mobility or health issues- delivery service is available every Tuesday morning. This clearly demonstrates how truly accessible it is to everyone, helping them feel loved, accepted, and welcome in the Englefield Green community no matter their individual physical constraints or struggles.

The community in Englefield Green are extremely lucky to have this incredible community fridge, which not only helps the environment through reducing waste, but provides free, fresh food and services to all the residents who are hugely grateful to both the businesses and volunteers. This form of charitable work would be great to see throughout the country, with everyone, no matter where they are from, having access to their very own community fridge. What real community spirit!

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